HEROES ON HINES (Plymouth - 2018 - 5K)

Heroes on Hines 2018 Photos 2.2 Mile Drive Jason was in Atlantic City during the 2018 Heroes on Hines. I took the kids with me to packet pick-up the day before the run at Nankin Mills. The kids loved seeing the aquariums during packet pick up. I had no idea there were live creatures at Nankin Mills. I got creative with our pictures of the reptiles and amphibians. I got to see my great RF friend Jodi! During registration I was asked what hero agency I wanted to run for. I choose the Plymouth Police because I lived in Plymouth. I wanted to find a few Plymouth police officers for the running aIbum. I met two police officers who were doing a drive-by down our street. They liked Corky. I got a picture with them. I also went to the township hall and got a picture with another police officer. I didn't know about Sgt. Lee Smith and was heartbroken to hear about his tragic hit and run on Hines Drive while he ...