Traffic Jamin' (Grass Lake - 2021 - 5K)

 Traffic Jamin' Photos

44.2 Mile Drive


I had some troubles registering for the Traffic’ Jamin’ 5K.  I had read about the team discount of $5.00 for a group of four or more.  I tried to make a team and had issues adding my dad, Jason and Luke to it.  Once I figured out how to add everyone the discount was not showing up at checkout.  I reached out to the festival through Facebook and was told the first week of registration was a “Super Deal” at the lowest registration price and that the team discount would kick in the night after the first price increase.  I decided to register us without the team discount as it really didn’t make a difference in price and registering for a live event sooner is always a good way to go.  Registration was $20 for the 5K and free for Ryan’s one mile run.  There was no race day registration.   In the registration description it mentioned, “Music on the course!”  ….an awesome note that I have not seen in prior registrations.  Music on a course is something to look forward to!  I found it interesting that participants were asked to wear face coverings prior to the race but just a few lines down I read: “Masks/face coverings during the races will not be mandated or policed.”  That was a relief for me. 


I love registration pages that have pictures of finisher medals and participant shirts.  Traffic Jamin’ also had a very colorful course map.  Registration was very easy to navigate through with all the necessary information.  Registration prices were fantastic, especially with such a high quality finisher medal custom designed by a Grass Lake Road Runner member and a great race shirt.


I ran Traffic Jamin’ in 2019 while Jason was away at training.  I drove out by myself forgetting I had registered Luke.  I remembered the course very well after two years.  When I saw the map on RunSignUp the course had not changed at all.  It was a very detailed course map.  I liked how they zoomed into the start/finish and turnaround areas with more detail so participants knew exactly where they should and should not be.  The Traffic Jamin’ course has an area where the course could be cut.  This year there were course volunteers at every turn making it difficult to attempt.  After being a witness to a course cutter once, I stay aware of courses that have cheating potential.  I never know when it may happen again.  I hope it never does.


The Traffic Jamin’ course had nine turns and a lot of opportunities to pass friends and family.  The last and longest portion of the course is just short of a mile out and back along Grass Lake.  That stretch is where I saw Luke in front of me and dad and Jason behind me.  The Grass Lake views on the course are really beautiful, especially since Traffic Jamin’ is an evening run with the sun starting to set. 


The 5K course is very flat and has areas of large trees that give shade.  There is a loop by Grass Lake Park that takes you within feet of the water by the boat launch.  The start and finish of the race are on Brown Street at the Grass Lake Community Events Park during the Traffic Jamin’ Festival.  The finish line arch is setup in the middle of the vendor street.  It’s a very unique start to a run.  There is quite an audience of festival attendees present.  As runners come in people have to clear the way and be mindful.  Volunteers are stationed to help keep the path clear until the last participants finish.  Finishing next to delicious food trucks was definitely a great motivation for me. 


All five of us, including Ryan with his $0 registration fee, received a teal t-shirt and a large license plate themed finisher medal.  In our registration bags were coupons for a free beer at the festival.  The finisher medals were heavy and large.  I thought the license plate part would be dimensional from the silver circle.  I like it better with both designs flush.  I really liked the personalized event ribbon with its complimentary color to the medal and how “Jamin’” was in huge letters making an emphasis on the medal.  Jamin’ is a fun word.  The texture of the medal is very unique on the license plate.  They did a really nice job on the finisher medals.  The event shirts were a higher quality print that does not come off quicker after multiple washings. 


There was a giant box filed with different kinds of cookies, a cooler with water bottles and large peanut bags from Texas Roadhouse for participants.  Luke liked the peanut bag.  They were very generous with peanuts and we ended up with seven bags.  The festival had good food.  The kids all got shaved ice before the run.  Jason got his favorite kettle corn and tried a fried bacon stick. 


The age group awards are one of the reasons I registered for the Grass Lake Traffic Jamin’ 5K back in 2019.  They were handmade ceramic coasters with the festival logo on them.  It turns out a lot of people feel the same away about the awards and you have to be very fast to win one.  In 2019 I ran one of my fastest 5Ks and still came in seventh place in the 30-39 age group.  I would have still missed an age group award in fourth place had it been five year groups (30-34). 


This year the handmade ceramic coasters were given to overall race winners and winners three deep in ten-year age groups starting with “15 and under.”  Had the first age group category been “10 and under” Luke would have placed second.  To put into perspective how fast Traffic Jamin’ participants are….


My dad ran a 35:20 5K time at 69 and came in eighth place in his 60-69 age group. 


I thought my dad would have had a great chance at placing with his age. 


There were 168 participants with the longest 5K time at 59:08.  59:08 is a good walking speed for a 5K.  All 168 finishers came in under an hour in Grass Lake. I’ve been to many 5Ks where the last finishers were over one hour and fifteen minutes.   

City Notes:

Grass Lake is a very unique and magical town on the eastern border of Jackson County.  When you get off 94 you drive over small hills through corn fields with the blue Grass Lake water tower in the distance.  A setting sun makes for good photography.  Downtown is located on the southeast side of the lake.  Grass Lake doesn’t have a huge downtown, but it still has one-of-a-kind businesses like Missy’s Little Grass Shake that claims to have the coldest beer in town, Grand Illusion Gallery, Barney’s BBQ and Love’n Spoonful an ice cream and sub combo shop.  The ice cream/sub combo is a combination I have not seen before.  The Comerica Bank in Grass Lake has amazing older architecture. 


There is an Amtrak railway that passes through town, just feet away from Main Street.  Whistlestop Park Depot is next to the railway and has a nice fountain and gazebo that is exceptionally great for people who like to sit and watch trains pass by.  The town decided to put gathering spaces on both sides of the tracks.  It gives people living and visiting Grass Lake a unique and memorable experience. 

City Sign:

One of Grass Lake’s city signs is located on Union Street next to train tracks.  It’s a city sign that has its own roof built on it.  There is a large plot dug out around the sign for flowers.  The sign has the village seal on it.  I imagine the sign’s tiny roof helps protect the sign from weathering quicker.  I didn’t have to find Grass Lake’s sign at Traffic Jamin’ this time because we had come back and previously found it between 2019 and 2021.  I include the kids in city sign pictures when they run.  I forgot to update the Grass Lake photo with Jason, Luke and Ryan this time.  I will update it in the future.

Other Awesomeness:

My dad had been wanting to run with us again after we ran at Wings of Mercy in Linden.  When I was brainstorming a great family running event that was halfway between Marshall and Novi, Traffic Jamin’ immediately came to mind.  The hot summer temperature would be the only downfall, but thankfully the event took place in the late evening.  The registration price was very cheap for the five of us.  I paid $85 for all of us to run.  I really like the Traffic Jamin’ 5K because of the festival that takes place during the run.  When I went by myself in 2019 I saw the inflatables and instantly wished Jason and the kids had been with me.  In thinking of a good group run, a scenic engaging course was very important too.  The views of Grass Lake are awesome on the 5K route.  Water has always been calming and therapeutic for me. 


We stopped and talked to the law enforcement horses and their sheriffs. They let the kids pet the horses.  We also went up to and admired the….


Batman Skullhead Car!!!

….Or…come to think of it…maybe it was Ghost Rider’s car….

One of my favorite memories from this second trip to Grass Lake was discovering the Fairy Forest on North Lake Street.  The Fairy Forest is on the actual 5K course as you turn right coming out of the start.  We took pictures next to the giant fairy wings not realizing there was an entire hidden forest behind the wings!  I saw the opening and went in first.  I immediately knew I had to go get the kids.  The inside of the Fairy Forest was absolutely amazing!  It was an extremely inspirating and life goal changing moment as I would love to do that at our home one day.  I think free attractions that people can stop in to admire, smile and uplift themselves should more abundant.  It would be really cool if Fairy Forests were in a lot of different cities all over the state with different themes. 


We spent some time walking around downtown Grass Lake with Chris and dad.  When dad left to go home we met Chris at Olive Garden in Jackson for a late dinner.  We couldn’t believe how many restaurants were closed so early on a Friday night.  We tried three places with no luck.  We were about to give up on the prospect of dinner when I called Olive Garden.  I loved my super fancy hot chocolate with a mini biscotti.

Course Rating:  4.7 Stars

Post-Race Food Rating: 4.2 Star

Swag Rating: 4.9 Stars

Awards Rating: 4.4 Stars

Traffic Jamin’ Quote:

“Spread your wings and let the fairy in you fly.”  - Unknown

Grass Lake Page


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