BATTLE CREEK HALF MARATHON (Battle Creek - 2019 - 13.1 Miles)

  Battle Creek Half Marathon 2019 Photos

99 Mile Drive

The 2019 Battle Creek Half Marathon was my second half marathon!  I convinced Jake, a.k.a The Speedy Sloth to join me.  It was an easy run to persuade someone to register for with the awesome race shirts and perks.  Jake and I loved the American colors and city skyline design on the tech T-shirt.  It is one of the best shirt designs of all time.  I did not know Battle Creek would be Speedy Sloth's first half marathon.  It was huge for him to cross over from cycling into long distance running.  I ordered a Battle Creek visor to go with my shirt.  It's something I don't usually do.  I felt compelled to get it with the unique situation and accomplishment of the race.

The night before the half I continued the tradition I started in Gaylord and went bowling with the kids and Chris at The Superbowl.  We once again stayed up away too late.  My alarm was set very early in the morning Saturday because I had to pick up Jake on the way and the drive was over an hour. 

It was an amazing month leading up to The Battle Creek Half Marathon with a lot of anticipation.  That's what I love about half marathons.  Jake and I got free passes to the Battle Creek Air Show as part of our registration.  Jake gave us his tickets.  I took the kids out for the show the Friday before the run.  We had a free parking pass in addition to the tickets.  A severe thunderstorm hit the airfield an hour into the show.  The kids loved it.  They ran around in the rain.   I witnessed a lady in front of us lose her umbrella to the wind.  We were a good distance from the car so we hunkered down and made a protective shield with our oversized golf umbrella.  I don't know how our old umbrella held up and sheltered us during the height of the rain.  It was a really powerful thunderstorm.  The great thing about severe thunderstorms is that they are usually in and out quickly.  We had a great time at the air show even though it got cancelled early after more severe weather continued to come in.

Jason had left for Georgia in mid-June for six-week long training.  I was really glad to have Jake with me driving to Battle Creek.  It was a super early morning for us just days after the Fourth of July.  Dad came over and watched the kids and I picked up Speedy in Ann Arbor.  He was conveniently right on the way to Battle Creek.  I learned a lot about his work in prisons with amazing inmate stories on our drive.

We took pictures the second we got to the run.  It was easy for us to find things to take photos of.  We share the love of race photography.  I gave Speedy Sloth my headphones when he realized he had forgotten his.  I  knew he would be on the course a tad longer and needed them more than I did.  The course aid stations were themed and awesome!  They were the best aid stations of any race I have done.  They had wet towels for us along the route and at the finish.  I love wet towels!  The course was very flat and hot making it difficult at times.  Jake and I passed one another at mile seven and took a picture together.  The course was mostly flat even after we exited the airport portion.  I had looked at pictures from the 2018 race and knew about the epic air force plane shot.  I saw it in the distance on the course and made sure to smile for their photographer.  It ended up being one of my favorite race photos of all time.  I loved having pacers for the first time.  I thanked and took a picture with Jasper, he was awesome.  He trains German Shepherds as well as pacing at races.  I started with the 9:00 minute pacers and kept up with them for most of the runway, about six-ish miles.  I got slower and slower and ended up finishing just in front of the 10:00 minute pacers.  I waited for Speedy Sloth with the sign I had made for him at the finish.  They had an amazing breakfast waiting for us with eggs, bacon and hash browns!  We both got to ring the PR bell (first time for the two of us!)  Jake and I got to watch the last half marathoner finish.  He was a really cool guy Jake had talked to on the course.  He inspired a lot of people.

Things I take from the Battle Creek Half Marathon are:  The amazing aide stations.  They sent us an email after the run asking us to vote on which aide station had the best theme.  That tells you just how awesome they were.  One of the last aide stations had gummy bears and candy.  The table was a rainbow wonderland.  I love candy at half marathons.  2.  The awesome residents that sprayed us with hoses and sprinklers, had signs for us in their lawns and put out their own water for us along the course.  The houses were really nice in Battle Creek.  3.  Running on another runway, a huge air force runway!  It was really cool and spacious with awesome planes to view.  I loved this half marathon.


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