BAD BUNNY (Shelby Township- 2021 - 5K)

Bad Bunny 2021 Photos 46.7 Mile Drive Registration: There were registration limits of 100 participants for each Bad Bunny event. Bad Bunny had three events, one dirt trail and two paved path starts spaced 45 and 30 minutes apart. I registered for Bad Bunny on February 28th to make sure I got a spot in the 100. I have wanted to run Bad Bunny for years. I love Move-It Fitness events! Move-It fitness puts on Winter Loops, which was the longest distance I ran in the first sixth months after I started running. The one thing I noticed about Bad Bunny registration on RunSignUp was the layout and flow. Instead of a paragraph of writing everything was short and to the point in list format. I liked it. I was a quick read. Everything you needed to know for race day was on the registration page. I liked how swag was under the, “What you get” section. The registration layout resembled my new...