Michigan Run Cheap Lake Orion 2020 Photos

40 Mile Drive

On Thursday night I got concerned about the weather for Lake Orion on Sunday.  The outlook did not change as days went by.  There was a 60% chance of thunderstorms at 8:30am on Sunday.  When I woke up that morning the thunderstorms were wide-spread.  We managed to avoid rain for the majority of our car ride.  When we got off at the Joslyn Road exit by Great Lakes Crossing the thunderstorm hit.

I was relieved when I ran up to registration and found out they could postpone the race up to an hour before cancelling it.  I knew for sure the storm would be cleared in the area within an hour.  At most I thought we would have to wait 30 minutes.  They ended up starting us at 8:52.  We were only post-ponded 22 minutes.  There was a light rain when we walked to the start.  Some runners had their umbrellas.  I could still hear thunder, but it was not right over us.  I commend the race staff for letting us start.  This was not a situation like Lansing where a severe thunderstorm was about to hit.  

Race staff made it very clear multiple times that any of us could switch races to a longer or shorter length as long as we told staff at the finish line tent when we came in.  The course was a straight line down and back for all race lengths. 5K: 1.5 miles to the turn around, 10K: 3.10 miles to the turn around and 13.1: 6.55 miles to the turn around.  The course was very scenic along the 16.9 mile Polly Ann Trail.  It was very swampy.  I saw so many different areas of marsh.  Unfortunately, my camera did not take clear running pictures and the only good captures I got were from before and after as I was walking.

A lot of factors went into my decision to cut my course from the 10K I registered for to a 5K after I started running.  

1.  We started later and I had to work two jobs when I got home.  That’s the main reason Lake Orion worked so well, the drive was very short.   

2.  I watched radar and saw a possible downpour scenario if I stayed out longer than 30 minutes and traveled further north on the 10K route.  There was an iffy thunderstorm cell coming up from the southwest. 

3.  They warned us if the thunder came back the timing crew may pack up and leave.  We could still submit our app times and get official results.  

After finishing I felt really bad about changing my race because I have never done it.  I felt like I had made the wrong call.  By the end of the night after working and getting 23,000 total steps I realized had I done the 10K, I would have been just short of 30,000 steps and a walking zombie.  As mad as I was at myself all day I came to terms that things happen for a reason.  I still had a great time running the 5K.  I ran at my 10K pace goal so it wasn’t the fastest 5K, but it was very scenic and comfortable.  The trail was pretty muddy and very slippery in a few spots.  My hair was wet from the light rain that was consistent all three miles.  They had water stations at each turn around point and plenty of volunteers in cars where the trail went across main roads.

I’ve always been curious about Run Michigan Cheap races.  I have never done one.  I was really impressed by the high quality shirts with Michigan on them.  I love anything with the state on it. I wonder if participants get the same shirt multiple times for the same calendar year.  Their shirt did not have “Lake Orion” on it.  It just had “Michigan Run Cheap 2020.”  The font was purple!  Their personalized medals were really awesome.  The post run food was good.  The course was great.  A lot of Michigan Run Cheap events may be held on trails.  I will have to do more of their events to find out.  All in all, participants get a lot for the price.  Michigan Run Cheap holds races all over the state in a variety of cities.  All of their races have 5K, 10K and Half Marathon options.  I’m a fan of this race company now.

Things I take from Michigan Run Cheap: Lake Orion are:  

1.  I felt good about getting up and going to this run given the weather circumstances.  It would have been easy to stay in bed and say, “Forget it.”  I know I didn’t run as far, but I still ran in the rain and mud.  There’s almost nothing I haven’t run in when it comes to Michigan weather.  

2.  My first Run Michigan Cheap race!  I will definitely be back.  

3.  The marshlands walk to the start line which was about a quarter mile from registration.  

4.  The Lake Orion sign was at the entrance of the park we were at!  It was the easiest sign to find of all 85 cities so far!

Lake Orion Page


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