HOODIE HOO (Harrison Township - 2020 - 5K)

 Hoodie Hoo 2020 Photos

47 Mile Drive

The 2020 Hoodie Hoo was a morning of fun for all of us (Corky included).  Hoodie Hoo is one of the most dog friendly events I have ever attended.  Dogs get bone shaped mini bibs for their collars and their own medals!  They stand with their owners on the podium for awards.  I think that is beyond awesome!  

Hoodie Hoo has a picture-perfect venue at Saint Clair Metro Park with a wonderful warm indoor seating area and stage.  I love that they added their Bring in Spring Costume Contest last year.  This year I once again procrastinated and found myself scrambling to put together a home-made costume the night before the race.  I improved a little from last year’s 5:00am construction start time.  I wanted to take a trip to Michaels but we ran out of time so I ended up doing a $0 production cost “Super Flower” costume.  The sign turned out the best and my old Salsa Club skirt made for a good cape.  I wish I could have done more, but it was still a pretty solid piece.  I loved the two women that dressed up as flowers in pots.  A flower pot was my original costume idea…but I always take the crazier path.  The one flower pot was named Mandy and the other made her entire costume from scratch.  I was in good company up on the costume contest stage.

Luke provided my cape flying wind action on stage and for my still shots.  I don’t think I would have won without Luke’s help.  When I saw the two flower pots I quietly whispered to Jason, “I don’t think I will win this year.”  I definitely have to up my game next year.  I was so lucky to walk away with another amazing Hanson’s gift card for $25!  That is going towards my next pair of running shoes.  Last year I used the gift card on running shoes for Luke.  His still have plenty of miles left on them. 

I loved that their national anthem was done inside with Captain America holding the flag.  The start of the race was awesome with the Hoodie Hoo Bring in Spring chant.  I don’t remember doing the Hoodie Hoo chant before.  The course is always beautiful with a route along Lake Saint Clair.  Even in colder years the ice on the water is still gorgeous.  I love running in the company of furry runners.  The kids got to play outside at one of the MetroPark’s playgrounds by the lake while I ran.  We met back up for snacks and the awards ceremony.  Everyone was able to get hot chocolate, bagels and candy.  I ran hard and came in fourth place while taking scenic pictures along the way.   In the last mile a dog and woman were in front of me.   I couldn’t pass a dog.  I just had to let the dog win.  I loved the award ceremony and waited until the very end just like last year to honor the amazing older runners.  I saw some of the same older men and women on the podium again this year, including Harrison Henley.

Things I take from the 2020 Hoodie Hoo are:  

1.  The awesome inspirational finish banner.  I loved it.  

2.  The amazing and super groovy medal volunteers at the finish.  See my video of them dancing and cheering us on as we finished.  I told them they were amazing.  

3  The friendly staff and great race directors that make this an event for everyone: dogs, moms and dads with strollers, walkers, wheelchair bound and runners.  

4.  Harrison Township has one of the coolest city signs we have found so far!  They have a boat!!!


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