UGLY SWEATER RUN (Allegan - 2019 - 5K)

  Ugly Sweater Run 2019 Photos

144 Mile Drive

The 2019 Allegan Ugly Sweater Run was super ugly!  The ugly sweater turnout was incredible.  About 75% of participants wore an ugly sweater.  I made my ugly sweater from scratch using my go-to medium….hot glue!  I used one of Jason’s sweaters that had a mis-manufacturing in the armpits that he disliked.  I had a little bit of Winterfest inspiration left in me which I added to the back of the sweater.  I made the front of the sweater a tribute to Buddy the Elf. 

The Ugly Sweater 5K had one of the best starting areas and race shirts of all time.  The shirt color was amazing, a beautiful dark maroon with their gorgeous race logo. The starting area was downtown Allegan near the Kalamazoo River zip line and shops.  We were surrounded by water and festive holiday décor.  They had a huge rock gas fire pit!!  I stood by it a lot after arriving very early.  I got looks from a lot of people as I took tons of pictures.  At times I accidentally found myself in the same spots as their race photographer.  

The course was a cool square around Allegan neighborhoods.  It followed the Grand River in the last mile atop a hill.  I went back and forth passing a lady at one of the last hills.  She passed me going up and I passed her going down.  I go fast down hills because I lose time going up them.  I see most runners take down hills easier than I do.  When I passed her going down the last hill I complimented her.  She replied, “Sorry I can’t hear you….Listening to Queen!”  I laughed and then she must have turned her music down because we chatted for a minute before she took off ahead.  

The post-race snack table at the finish had some of the best snacks.  I immediately gave Jason my Little Debbie Christmas tree cake.  He loves them!  ^_^  I finished stretching by the river and grabbed the family to take them with me to The Eagle where we were greeted with a Crock Pot soup buffet, and a hot chocolate and Christmas cookie bar!!!  It was outstanding.  I got a second cup of soup after all runners had gotten one.  Other runners were getting seconds with me.  We ate and waited in the cozy Eagle for the Ugly Sweater contest.

I should have put lights on my sweater.  It was so dark inside The Eagle. This ugly sweater contest winners were determined by applause and this time I only agreed with half the results.  I thought the amazing Spartan sisters I met before the race were a great.  The elf costume that won wasn’t a true ugly sweater, but it was a cool Christmas costume.  I took a picture of the lady I would have picked for second and have it in my album.  She made an amazing and hilarious sweater with Rudolph eating candy.  It had tons of lights!  Hardly anyone clapped for Rudolph but the elf had an entire back corner of the room filled with loud screams and applause. I wish Rudolph had won. I went up to her after and told her I thought her sweater was amazing and winner worthy.  Applause results don't always determine accurate winners well.  Costumes that are just okay can win with enough family and friends present.  It is one of the reasons I put so much effort into my Detroit Turkey Trot costumes.  Since I started running Detroit they have had an actual judging panel (usually about three people). Judges hold clipboards and take notes as they ask detailed questions about costumes and how they were made.  I value and respect that kind of extremely fair and unbiased judging.

I still loved the Ugly Sweater contest.  It was very unique.  It narrowed down the designing options for me.  I only had a sweater to work with which kept me more grounded and limited.  I think they should keep having the contest.  It brought a ton of spirit to the run.  The Allegan city sign was easy to find.  We ran past it as we came back into the city near the finish.  Sometimes we go on a wild goose chase hunting down city signs after runs.  

Things I take away from The Allegan Ugly Sweater Run are:  
  1. The amazing pre-race and post-race gathering spaces.  All were all so cozy, even out in the cold. 
  2. The OUTSTANDING post-race treat table and additional soup, hot cocoa and cookies inside The Eagle.  Everything was delicious!!!  
  3. The holiday spirit that the theme of this run brought out.  It was contagious!!  
  4. The wonderful race director whom I met and spoke with.  She thanked me for driving so far to come out and told me a Redford woman also participated.  She was very kind.  I really liked this run and am so glad it fit into our west coast itinerary so I could squeeze two awesome cities into one day.  There were so many great race decisions made for this run that I know will stand out as I run in different cities.

Allegan Page


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