TAYLOR WINTERFEST 5K (Taylor - 2019 - 5K)

  Taylor Winterfest 5K 2019 Photos

24 Mile Drive

The 2019 Taylor Winterfest 5K was a great festive end to a three day streak of holiday running. It was my third downriver run. It was great to see Suzy again. She was a huge inspiration for my success at Winterfest. I got my best 5K time since dealing with hip bursitis in early October. I made sure to stay where I could always see her and it worked! Suzy took her first master’s overall win home at Winterfest!! I am glad to have witnessed that amazing accomplishment. 

I enjoyed the large sections of main road the course had. Around the two mile point a volunteer yelled out, “AWESOME TURKEY COSTUME!!!” I just about died, and did not correct him. When I arrive at running events in costumes I get a lot of “iffy” stares with some smiles and laughs. When I walked in the doors to packet pick-up in Taylor ( it was very difficult to do in this costume) I was greeted with so many smiles. This was the most welcoming costume run for me, even more so then Detroit! I loved that. It felt really comfortable, even though the actual costume was not very comfortable. 

I saw my awesome friend Mike from The Big Bird Run a few weeks back. I had no idea he was going to be at Winterfest, but I do remember telling him I would be there.  He did the nicest thing and bought me a Winterfest Beanie for Christmas which I am cherishing as a running friendship trinket.  Mike is so thoughtful. I met a really cool runner, Robin from Grand Blanc. Her outfit was amazing.  She won the costume contest last year!

It was really fun making the reindeer dress. It was a simpler costume but very time consuming when it came to designing the antlers so they would stay on. I’ve been using Jason’s socks for so many of my costumes. Jason’s socks are becoming a hilarious much needed piece for my costume success. The Detroit Turkey Trot’s bee legs were stuffed black socks and the reindeer’s antlers were supported by socks cut to make strong arm sleeves. 

They race gave out amazing Domino’s and Culver’s gift card raffle prizes after the run.  I won best costume contest and got a beautiful and very well made embroidered Winterfest blanket. I love it!! I took it into the theater when we saw Frozen 2 after the run. It was so cozy. I also got a very unique and amazing reindeer ornament for placing third in a tough age group of 30-39. I rarely place in 10 year increments because 36, 37, 38 and 39 year-olds usually kick my butt. I felt loaded with goodies as I left with my beanie gift, ornament and blanket. I also bought a $2.00 plush llama from the front desk. The indoor meeting area had animals everywhere which was really cool for the kids. Tons of rabbits, guinea pigs, tortoises and birds! It reminded me of packet pick-up at Heroes on Hines and because of that I did my trademark editing on the pictures with funny comments.

After going to see Frozen 2 we came back to Winterfest as festivities did not begin until much later in the afternoon and the run was not far from home. The kids got $5 lanyards for the five activity stations under the pavilion at Heritage Park. Luke couldn’t eat the cookies at the decorating station so he gave his to Jason. I asked for extra frosting for him to snack on. The crafts were awesome! They had slime and rainbow spectrum glasses which the kids really thought were amazing. Luke and Will choose face paint and Ryan got a balloon sword at station two. Station three was a giant slide and obstacle course.  We spent the majority of time there. Taking pictures with Buzz and Woody was awesome. They gave us nice cardstock framed prints for each kid. Jason got us Wahlburgers with tots and fries and I cannot believe I am about to say this….I got a RumChatta and loved it. I have never had rum and hot chocolate before. My reading apparently was way off. I read the sign as, “Spiced Hot Chocolate” and gave Jason $5.00 to get one for himself. He came back and said it was, “Spiked Hot Chocolate” and he wasn’t a fan. I didn’t think I would be either, but I was!  

When we got done with all the stations it was 10 minutes from the start of the Winterfest parade. We were cold but decided it would be worth it to head over. Even though the parade started at 5:00pm, it started a good distance away at City Hall and didn’t get to us until almost 5:30.  We didn’t know we were at the end.  It was an amazing parade with lots of candy and fun, but we were so cold! Freezing cold!! The Taylor Police Department threw out hundreds of Santa hats to kids. Santa himself was on a motorcycle!!! That was the best part. Jason picked the kids up and put them over the metal fence barrier so they could get candy but a lot of other kids were stuck beyond it on our side of the road. Luke picked up candy and made sure he only took one piece for himself. He gave the extra pieces to kids that couldn’t get any. He did this the entire parade.

Things I take from The 2019 Winterfest 5K are: 
  1. The themed contest they do every year and the wonderful raffle prizes given to participants. 
  2. The awesome police officers on the course.  The one I thanked said, “Thank you for coming out, have a great run.” They often say nothing or a simple, “Thanks.” 
  3. Luke’s selflessness during the parade giving candy to children who couldn’t get it. 
  4. The RUMCHATTA and Santa on a Motorcycle!!! …No the rum did not make me see an illusion of a motorcycle instead of a sleigh.
  5. SANTA GOAT!!! See pictures! I got Glow Goats in Owosso and Santa Goat in Taylor!!! 
  6. The awesome finish line cookies and blow up décor by the finish.  
  7. FRONT ROW SEATS to an amazing five-minute firework show to end our amazing day in Taylor!  As we were leaving the fireworks started.  We pulled over and parked to watch them.  Taylor had family-oriented Christmas fun for all.  It was an amazing day.

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