TAYLOR WINTERFEST 5K (Taylor - 2019 - 5K)

Taylor Winterfest 5K 2019 Photos 24 Mile Drive The 2019 Taylor Winterfest 5K was a great festive end to a three day streak of holiday running. It was my third downriver run. It was great to see Suzy again. She was a huge inspiration for my success at Winterfest. I got my best 5K time since dealing with hip bursitis in early October. I made sure to stay where I could always see her and it worked! Suzy took her first master’s overall win home at Winterfest!! I am glad to have witnessed that amazing accomplishment. I enjoyed the large sections of main road the course had. Around the two mile point a volunteer yelled out, “AWESOME TURKEY COSTUME!!!” I just about died, and did not correct him. When I arrive at running events in costumes I get a lot of “iffy” stares with some smiles and laughs. When I walked in the doors to packet pick-up in Taylor ( it was very difficult to do in this costume) I was greeted with so many smiles. This was the most welcoming costume run for m...