SCREAMING BANSHEE (Potterville - 2019 - 13.1 Mile)

  Screaming Banshee 2019 Photos

83 Mile Drive

The 2019 Screaming Banshee Half Marathon was awesome but very tough for me.  I debated switching to the 5K or 10K for a week leading up to it.  I hadn’t made up my mind by race day.  I hadn’t made up my mind by start time.  I still considered switching races as I passed the 5K and 10K turn on the course, but I didn’t.  I haven’t run a lot at home in the last two weeks because I’ve been resting a mechanical bull induced muscle strain.  My biggest goal for the 2019 year was not getting better with my times.  I wanted to go an entire year without a major injury.  I am 30 days away from that goal.  I’ve only had a few minor flairs ups this year that I controlled with PT and mileage cutting.  I have a few half marathon traditions.  I try to run eight miles on the Tuesday before and bowl the night before the race.  I didn’t do either before Screaming Banshee.  I ran my longest half time.  I left with my head still high because I did what felt like the impossible, I completed the 13.1 mile course.  My muscles were not as strong as they could be, but they got me to the finish.

I enjoyed being Harley Quinn again for The Screaming Banshee costume contest.  I think I could have had a better shot at winning being the bee I semi-finished for Detroit and wore at Cindy’s Halloween party.  I have reservations about re-using my costumes at multiple races.  Winning costumes received  $20.00!  I loved seeing all the other costumes. The Wizard of Oz was the best!  The blow-up was amazing.  I saw Rusty and Barb from Belding dressed as Ninja Turtles!!  They love to dress up for runs.  So many kids came to Screaming Banshee dressed up.

Luke ran the kids .75 mile around the lake before the half started.  They gave medals to all the kids.  My half marathon course started and finished going through the heart of downtown Potterville.  We ran over the railroad tracks on Hartel road.  The stretch of course on Sunset Drive was really nice with woods surrounding us and an aide station at the end.  The majority of the course was on country roads by farms and homes.  I circled the lake Luke ran around at the end of the course.  I got two huge glasses of apple cider and a purple cupcake after the run.  They had a lot of food to choose from under the pavilion.

Screaming Banshee had awesome shirts and a medal that was a functional bottle opener.  Their race shirts are one of my favorites of all time.  The monsters are so cute on it.  I like the navy color and cool material.  The Screaming Banshee website played the best Halloween music.  I kept going back to it using it as a radio after registering.  We took pictures next to their huge Halloween blow-up décor before leaving.  As we left we saw the Potterville water tower being painted.  It was awesome!  We loved the huge chicken at the corner at East Lansing and Hartel Roads.  

Things I take away from Screaming Banshee are: 1. Jason, the kids and Corky randomly parked along the course screaming, “Go Mom!” At their last stop I gave Jason my Harley sweater not realizing my bib was on it. I sprinted after the van waving frantically. They thought I was waving goodbye.  I was able to find them at a park further along the course and grab my bib so I could have an official finishing time.  2. The Battlecreek runner I met that was doing her first half.  I had Jason ready to dial at mile six. I was going to tell him to pick me up for my first, “Did Not Finish.”  Talking to her for a few minutes gave me strength to get past my weakest point in runs (the dreaded halfway point!) 3. Mile 12!  It hits me like a freight train at every half marathon I do.  I usually end up succumbing to a walk/run combo.  No exception today. At mile twelve I was met with a literal train speeding along beside me and the irony made me laugh.  I may have left empty handed without a costume win or an age group medal, but I left feeling really lucky to have crossed the finish. 13.1 is not for the faint of heart.  I love half marathons for that reason. I love the challenge and mental strength it causes you to form when the distance seems impossible.  

Thank you for the great music, treats and scenic Fall course Screaming Banshee!!

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