LABOR DAY BRIDGE RUN (Mackinaw City - 2019 - 4.2 Miles)

Labor Day Bridge Run 2019 Photos

289 Mile Drive

Chris came with us to the 2019 Labor Day Bridge Run!  He had lost 120 pounds! What better way to celebrate. This year since Chris was with me I tried to get over my fear and ride the bus with the runners to St. Ignace. Last year Jason dropped me off and I did not take the bus.  The bus ride was scary as hell.  At least the bus driver was amazing.  We were in the right most lane on the bridge.  When I looked out the window of the bus all I saw was a short metal bar and water.  Chris asked me a bunch of random questions to keep my mind off it.  ^_^  I got to meet the governor again this year, but this time we stepped it up a notch and got a selfie with her.  She has run a half marathon herself!  

It started to rain before the bridge officially closed and was so cold.  The run was still great as always.  I thanked or said good morning to every police officer.  They were very nice.  Chris and I made it into the post-run group shot with the governor at the front by the run banner!  On the way up to Mackinac we went to Gobblers again.  It is a pre-race meal tradition.  Our favorite waitress and her family were there.  I found out I love their fries.  They were homemade and amazing.  We found an amazing bakery in downtown Mackinaw City with huge Mighty Mac glazed donuts!  We did an epic air borne photo-opt the night before in front of the bridge.  A bad landing on my jump caused my foot to act up running the last two miles on the bridge, thankfully it was not a major injury.  It was gone the next day.  It was totally worth the shots we got.  I have no regrets.  Corky had to recover from a butt issue on the trip.  Our van became the Chihuahua med-van. 

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