BOLOGNA FEST RUN (Yale - 2019 - 8K)

  Bologna Festival Run 2019 Photos

88 Mile Drive

The 2019 Yale Bologna Run was my first run with Jason back home from his long training in Georgia.  Yale is an awesome small rural town in the thumb.  Their one of a kind Bologna Festival was amazing.  Jason LOVES bologna sandwiches.  I ran the 8K and Luke ran the 5K.  The two runs started in different locations and finished at the same spot.  Luke finished before I started which I liked because I could see him finish.  The course was very flat changing from concrete to dirt roads.  It was sunny and hot outside.  Some of the roads seemed to go on forever.  Some of the 5Kers ran with the 8K for a portion of the course.  On a turnaround loop in a subdivision I witnessed a woman cut the 5K course.  It really surprised me.  I've heard of cheating in running events but I have never personally seen it.  I messaged Jason her description and he watched for her.  She finished and rang the PR bell and was about to go home with an age group award until the race staff disqualified her and gave it to the fourth place woman in her age group.  The woman in fourth place was so excited and surprised.  The woman who cut the course left abruptly after being pulled aside and talked to by race staff.  Cheating is an awful thing to do.  You have to be true to yourself as a runner, an athlete and as a human being.  I don't like to be the person to "tell" on someone.  As Jason says, if it hadn't been for the age group win we wouldn't have said anything.  We couldn't let her take an award from the true winner.

After the run we found a spot on the bleachers and watched a magic show and a clown.  The clown made all of us balloon animals.  The highlight of the day was the squirt gun battle in the middle of town!!!  It was one of the greatest memories of all time.  Firefighters poured water down from up high.  A man on a balcony had a hose he was soaking people with.  Yale brought in a trailer filled with water so kids could refill their water guns.

The Bologna Fest had a pet costume parade that was hilarious.  I loved the U.S.S Goldfish and Caribbean Donkey.  We stopped at a small art show where Jason bought an amazing blue stained piece of wood that I now use for special awards from runs.  I won a $10 gift card from the Yale Chamber of Commerce from the run raffle.  I bought a Bologna Festival T-shirt with smiling bologna on it.  There was a free photo booth in town!  We walked over to Yale City Park and saw Civil War reenactments and took Frankenmuth old time photos for free.  We walked down to Mill Creek.  There was so much to do after the run!  On the way home we stopped at Cabela's and used my Earth Day Challenge gift card.  Jason picked out a storm radio. Corky loves Cabela's and Bologna.  I wish the run shirt and medal design had had smiling bologna on them.  


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