HERO RUN (Niles - 2021 - 10K)

96.6 Mile Drive



The Hero Run was $20 and shirts were an additional $5.00 if participants wanted one.  I always like to have shirts from runs.  The information on RunSignUp was shorter than the last couple of runs I have registered for but still had good information.  I read that they had a super hero contest but for some reason I did not make a costume.  Hero Run was the first run with a costume contest I did not make a costume for.  RunSignUp mentioned they would have doorprizes from local businesses.   There was a separate website at lifeplan.org that gave a few more details such as: Jimmy Johns and The Salvation Army would be providing the post-race food and the award ceremony would take place at the amphitheater.  I really liked how the lifeplan.org website listed the age group awards next to each other and had links to course maps.  It was a well-done website. 


I registered myself for the 10K and Luke for the 5K.  It had been a month since I had done a 10K.  The run had an amazing start at Riverfront Park.  We went through town, under a really cool older stone tunnel and out to Plym Park Golf Course where we turned around.  It was on the way back going down N. 2nd Street I saw all the 5Kers coming towards us.  I got to high five Luke.  He looked amazing running in his superhero cape and mask.  I told him he could take it off if it got too hot.  He was heading down to the golf course. 


After seeing the 5K participants we went through downtown Niles.  I was able to get a few great city pictures including one of the Niles Post Office!  We went down a segment of the Indiana-Michigan River Valley Trail.  There was an aide station with cups of water on the trail overlooking the Saint Joseph River right before a large downhill.  At the bottom of the hill it was the 5K/10K split.  We took  a short paved trail separate from the Indiana-Michigan trail over to 3rd street.  Third Street took us all the way down to the Brandywine Creek Nature Reserve.  We ran into the nature reserve and back out.  It was a short part of the course but one of the best parts.  The sidewalk in the nature reserve was really wide.  We went over a big wooden bridge before coming to the 10K turn around point.  I had to stop and walk in the nature reserve.  I felt very tired.  After leaving the nature reserve it was back on the Indiana-Michigan River Valley Trail to the finish.  I saw beautiful views running along the Saint Joseph River.  The last quarter mile was so scenic. 



Luke and I both received light yellow Hero Run shirts with our bibs in bags at packet pick-up.  There were no finisher medals for any of the run distances or sponsor freebies.    





There was a wonderful well organized table with clementine oranges in a basket and bananas in a box.  There were strawberry, blueberry and apple granola bars and Nature Valley Peanut Butter bars.  On a separate table they had three boxes of mini Jimmy Johns sandwiches in turkey, ham and veggie.  The post-race food was amazing!  This is the second time I’ve gotten a Jimmy Johns sandwich after a run.  I love Jimmy John’s turkey tom sandwiches. 




Gift certificates to Fleet Feet were given to the overall male and female in both the 5K and 10K.  Age group awards were given three deep in age group categories with five-year increments.  My only complaint with age group awards was that they printed the last 10K time sheet as I finished.  I finished at 1:01:56.  I saw a man walking a sheet to the amphitheater.  The results they had at the ceremony only had one 10K finisher in the 30-34 age group.  My name was not called to come up to the stage.  I found out later I came in second place.  It was frustrating not to get to come up and get a picture on their awesome placing stands.  I waited until the ceremonies had concluded and then asked.  I got confirmation and an apology with my medal.  I was surprised the awards ceremony happened so early.  They were into the 10K awards by an hour and five minutes.  Considering the 5K started at 9:10 having an award ceremony minutes before 10:00am is early for 5K participants as well. 

City Notes: 



We found a great bakery in Niles called Gabrizio.  It had the most relaxing beautiful décor with comfy couches to sit on and a bar stool area under hanging vines and flowers.  Their selection of baked goods was amazing.  Jason got a strawberry vanilla croissant and after tasting it I wished I had gotten it.  The best part was their selection of gluten free items!  We got Luke a huge oreo cake which he loved and had plenty of calories to eat after running a 5K.  


There were a lot of cool homes in Niles including the historical center.  Niles had a unique library design with big glass windows.  I was glad we got to get a picture of the LifePlan house since they put on the Hero Run.  Niles had a really nice and quite large YMCA, cool painted benches and an awesome railway going over the Saint Joseph River leaving town.  Niles has Saint Joseph River views almost everywhere you go in town and an abundance of purple flowering Eastern Redbud Trees.  I’ve never seen so many on our drive home leaving town.  They were awesome. 



City Sign:

We found an awesome mural on the side of Iron Side Distillery that we thought made for a great city sign.  It said, “Discover the Spirit of Niles, Michigan.”  Luke came up with the idea of pretending to sit on the painted barrels for a picture.  It was a good idea. It looked real!  I found out on Google later that Niles has another awesome more “official” city sign in the  triangle made my Main Street, 11th Street and 12th Street.  The next time I run out in

 Western Michigan I plan to get a picture with that sign too.

Other Awesomeness:


I was worried about rain looking out into the forecast for the Hero Run.  The best-case scenario ended up happening.  We got a mist of a rain out on the course.  It was the kind of extremely refreshing rain to run in and felt great.  It was not the miserable rain I have run in a few times before. 


The random hawk that perched in a tree for a great photography moment and the boat that was hanging from a construction crane on a road just out of Niles. 


Luke won a super hero costume award and got a $20.00 gift card to DQ!  I felt bad that I hadn’t made a costume so as we were walking out the door I grabbed a cape and mask we had gotten from a Renaissance Fair in Marshall last year and told Luke he should wear it.  It wasn’t a homemade costume by me like 95% of my running costumes throughout the years, but Luke looked amazing in it and it got him excited.  He ran the entire 5K in the cape and mask.  I got one of the best pictures of Luke jumping up in the air with his gift card after the run.  Jason’s parents made an 8x10 of the picture that I framed and hung on my running wall. 


The MC at the awards ceremony was very engaging and hilarious.  He made a comment about the three age group winning men in the 60-65 group because they all had reflective colors on.  The MC said that it must be good performance colors since they all placed.  The award ceremony was so engaging ducks even came over at one point to join the crowd! 


So many of the age group award recipients were ticked to death to get awards.  I love to see that.  I’ve seen plenty of participants that act like they don’t care.  It’s refreshing to see people so excited.  Batman even won first place in his age group!



There was a man in a light yellow shirt that I came up to in the nature reserve and passed for a moment.  He stayed real close to me until the last quarter mile stretch along the river.  He pushed me to stay ahead of him as he was passing me but I didn’t have what it took this time.  He came up to me at the finish and thanked me for helping him keep a good pace.  It made my day because I’ve never thought of myself as a good pacer.  I’ve called myself a “negative splitter” because I frequently get slower by a few seconds each mile.  I felt the same way about the man.  He motivated me a lot out on the course.  He ended up placing in his age group which was awesome. 


They had great cones and flags by the start and finish that made for a cool finish line.  There were awesome directional signs and mile markers.  Not too many volunteers were needed.  I saw what seemed to be similar ducks from the awards ceremony near mile three.  Maybe they walked the 5K and came back for medals. 

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