
Showing posts from February, 2021

SNOW MOON TRAIL RUN (Midland - 2021 - 25K)

  Snow Moon Trail Run 2021 Photos 128 Mile Drive Registration:   Registration for the Snow Moon Trail run was sad for me.  It was the first Dig Deep race I would register for after TRITOFINISH was taken by the covid pandemic. I don’t know how I feel about Dig Deep Races just yet.  It’s going to take time.  The Dig Deep Races website was the same TRITOFINISH format with the name changed.  TRITOFINISH had their own website to register on in addition to RunSignUp for registration.  Their website was always extremely throughout in event description.  They included pictures from prior year’s races with current swag and awards.  Registration prices seemed the same.  TRITOFINISH races were always a tad higher in price but they gave their participants amazing finisher medals, shirts, food and race experiences.  Dig Deep Races seems to be keeping those same high-quality standards moving forward.  There was a note on the website about pricing for the Snow Moon Trail Run being lowered due t

VALENTINE'S DASH (Kentwood - 2021 - 5K)

      Valentine's Dash 2021 Photos 136 Mile Drive Registration:     I was in contact with Valentine’s Dash race staff before I registered because many runs were teetering on cancellation with outdoor limits being at 25 still.   I received an email from the City of Kentwood Parks and Recreation stating they were doing everything they could to keep the run in-person.   They had already moved the run’s location from previous years so that they could accommodate waves of participants starting.   They seemed very determined to keep the run live.   On January 16 th I registered for the Valentine’s Day Dash.   Registration was a great price at $15.00 each.   I saved $5.00 for Luke and myself by registering us as a couple, the “sole mate” couple.   They were creative with that one.   The race donated funds to the Little Free Pantry which gives food and hygiene products to local people and my favorite part….   “No questions asked.”   The run was scheduled for February 13 th .  

Frozen Blueberry (Montrose - 2021 - 5K)

  Frozen Blueberry 2021 Photos 81.7 Mile Drive Registration:    I registered for the Montrose Frozen Blueberry Run on November 2, 2020.  The run was scheduled for December 12, 2020.  On November 23 rd I received an email stating some registered participants had expressed concerns about safety.  The email also stated that the Montrose City Council was waiting to approve the December race date.  The council’s decision was pending the State of Michigan outdoor gathering limit of 25 people expiring on December 8 th without being extended.  They offered immediate refunds for anyone that wanted one and said the run would not change to a virtual format.  They would postpone the race if the city did not approve the original date.  On December 4 th we got email confirmation that the Frozen Blueberry Run was being post-poned to February 20, 2021.  The run staff made a positive out of the postponement by gaining additional sponsors and door prizes for participants in the extra two months.  I k

CUPID'S TRAIL RUN 5K (Owosso - 2021 - 5K)

    Cupid's Trail Run 5K 2021 Photos 73.8 Mile Drive Registration:     I registered for the Cupid’s Trail Run 5K after my good friend Don emailed me about the run.   He was registering for it with his son Evan.   I had already run in Owosso at the amazing Glow 5K in 2019.   Cupid’s Run was not a timed run and had an open start between 10am and 11am.   Cupid’s Run registrants received $2.00 off the Fortitude St. Patrick’s 5K registration.   There was plenty of parking at Fortitude. I love it when registration pages show images of swag and course routes. The Cupid’s Run had a picture of their shirt and a great map of each mile in different colors through the trails. It was a very informational registration page.   Packet pick-up included our shirt and magnet and was quick, easy and cold.   Course:   The course at Fortitude Farms and Events (formally Fortitude Outdoor Fitness and Venue) was an amazing trail running experience in Owosso.   We went over an awesome large wo