PIRATE BOOTY DASH (Napoleon - 2020 - 5K)

Pirate Booty Dash 2020 Photos 49 Mile Drive Albion had me on a high after my time spent with their photographer. I was really pumped to get back into my Michigan City Challenge. On the way home from Albion I went back on RunSignUp.com to see if any events had opened back up on the weekend. Albion has their series runs on Friday nights which I love, but is slightly uncommon in the running community. I was really excited when I saw that Napoleon had a Pirate Booty Dash that was an in-person event. I knew if we didn’t wake up I had nothing to lose since I would be registering in-person on race day. Napoleon was west on 94 towards Albion again but with a dip south below Grass Lake. I have run in Battle Creek and Jackson metro cities three times since running started back up this month. We got up with no issues and made it to Napoleon with 30 minutes to spare. Yes, you heard that right. I changed my Waze to “avoid expresswa...