CRIM FESTIVAL OF RACES (Flint - 2019 - 10 Mile)

CRIM Festival of Races 2019 Photos

65 Mile Drive

Crim was a run I never intended to do.  I had other plans for the City of Flint.  My good friend Kristin broke her toe a week before the race and asked me if I would run it for her.  Ten miles scared me with the Saugatuck Mount Baldhead 12 mile run just two weeks following.  I couldn't say, "No" when Kristin asked.  I was truly honored and felt awful for her.  I made shirts with her name and picture of her Corgi Chewie.  I made sure the customized bib had her last name.  I was surprised at how much fun I had.  The Detroit Turkey Trot is the only other run I've done with thousands of participants.  

I almost didn't make it to the start due to bathroom lines.  Registration was in a huge building downtown.  The corral line up was huge.  I tried to stand in the middle to back.  They started runners in waves about every 15 seconds just like Detroit.  There were a lot of people with signs on the other side of the corral gates.  We immediately went over a bridge and then turned and went over it again at a different location.  I loved running over the bridge the second time and looking back to see the next wave of hundreds crossing the Flint River in the distance.  I loved the amazing course support.  The course support was one of the best of all time in Flint.  People brought microphones and amplifiers out to the ends of their driveways and sang to us!  There were alcohol stations along the course.  I couldn’t believe it.  I did not drink alcohol while running.  I wouldn't have finished.  I texted Jason around mile seven to tell him I was drawing a shark with the course route. I looked at Map My Fitness and saw half a shark shape with a completed fin.  There was a hill Suzy told me about.  It was an iconic hill in the Crim course.  I kept waiting for it.  When I got to it, it was steep but short lived.  There were balloons lining it. I think all the hype about it before the race made it not as bad in person.  

I felt awful for the burned kids play area near the finish. The plastic had melted down like wax and it was all taped off.  The finish line was the longest I have ever run. The photobooth, massage tent, pizza tent and face painting rocked!  We had a really fun time as a family.  I got a really throughout massage that thought me some new stretching techniques.  I love the tech shirt that has “10 Mile” in big letters on the back and the heavy duty medal.  I am so thankful and humbled by my friend. I ran my heart out and surprised myself.


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