WINGS OF MERCY (Linden - 2018 - 5K)

Wings of Mercy 2018 Photos 50 Mile Drive The 2018 Wings of Mercy was my first Runway Run! It was an amazing night run! Wings of Mercy is a fantastic organization and community of volunteer pilots and people. Wings of Mercy pilots fly people needing medical care to hospitals for free. One man’s wife was flown to her cancer treatments which prolonged her life four months. The course was the absolute flattest course I will ever run on. It doesn’t get any flatter than a runway! The sun was setting as we started. It was beautiful. At the first turn they had a speaker that would go quiet and then play loud airplane engine take-off sounds. It got me good. I jumped. We ran through a small neighborhood in the last mile of the course. The homes were on airport grounds. They all had oversized driveways and garages. One house had their garage open showcasing their Cessna and airplane memorab...