Burton Hot Fudge Run (Burton - 2023 - 5K)

Burton Hot Fudge Run Photos 106 Mile Drive Pre-Race Notes: The Burton Race Series is my all-time favorite race series thus far in the state of Michigan. There is something about the small town (small compared to its sister city Flint) and its run series. The Burton Race Series is not simply four runs scattered through the year, it’s an experience when it comes to participants and volunteers I’ve met, things I’ve gotten and activities my family has done. The series has always gone the extra mile when it comes to post-race food and swag given to its participants. The series gives awards to walking divisions at each of their races. What started with age group awards, shirts and an amazing series finisher medal has since additionally introduced finisher medals at all four of their races. I’ve always felt an immense amount of heart whenever I am at a Burton race. I remember not...